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OrderTrax2 Supplier Diagram

"For several years Geiger has required e-PSA certification as one element for Production Partners to be eligible for Gold Star status. For 2010 that requirement can be achieved by direct trading of e-PSA documents or by connecting via PPAI’s OrderTrax service." Gene Geiger, Geiger.

For Suppliers, OrderTrax2 will dramatically leverage your existing IT investments. You’ll now get electronic standardized orders from OrderTrax2. Plus, if you are already exchanging e•PSA standard documents with some of your customers, you will appreciate how OrderTrax2 extends the reach of that foundation to the entire industry. You will be astonished by the simple, easy-to-use user interface that puts your staff on the same page with each and every customer.

Your customer service reps will be more efficient in their work by not having to re-key orders into your system. Your customers will be happier because your staff will able to quickly help them without having to search for emails or lost faxes. All OrderTrax2 communication, including your customer’s artwork, is purchase order specific and found in one location.

e-Connect to All Customers. Gives you the ability to reach and connect to ALL your trading partners. It takes just a UPIC ID and an email address. And UPIC is free.

Supplier Summary Any Firm Can Participate - OrderTrax2 is designed to meet the needs and budgets of even the smallest firms. For small companies - a web browser and Internet connection is all that most small firms require.

Both Parties On Same Page - OrderTrax2 connects you with all your customers. It enables both parties to view the same information and communications about your order transactions. (Click to view a larger image of this screen.)

Standardized Purchase Orders - OrderTrax2 will deliver standardized, e•PSA compliant purchase orders from more Distributors, both large and small. You’ll leverage your existing technology investments and begin obtaining the process efficiencies your business needs to stay competitive and profitable.

No Touch Order Acknowledgements – Automatically acknowledges receipt of every purchase order from every Distributor processed through OrderTrax2

Automate Customer Service - OrderTrax2 will reduce the number of phone calls, emails and faxes required for communication with your customers by giving them self-service access to information that would otherwise consume your staff's time. You’ll see a dramatic improvement in the response time to Distributor queries about order status and shipping.

OrderTrax2 is built on the TAG software that powers the e•PSA trading network! By utilizing this platform, we are able to extend the same power of the e•PSA trading network … and open standards … that hundreds of industry leaders already rely upon every business day - to everyone.

Our TAG software processed over 10 million transactions in 2008, more than $2.5 billion in Distributor purchase orders, on the e•PSA trading network. Now, OrderTrax2 makes it easy for any firm … even the smallest supplier … to participate in this fast-growing trend that is revolutionizing our industry.

OrderTrax2 archives all of your order data, including artwork, for at least five years. Your data is absolutely safe, housed in a Tier-1 data center with internet, infrastructure and network redundancy. And, no one but you and your customers will see it, touch it, or use it – ever. We guarantee it. Finally, your data will never be mined, sold, or shared without your knowledge and consent. Period.

Are you ready for more information or a personal webinar to enlighten you and your staff?

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